1 Play 2 Play Pandora's Box 3 Pause 4 Pause the current game. 20 Save Game 21 Level %d:%s - %d 22 Level %d:%s 23 Autosave 24 The player who solved this puzzle in the best time: %s 25 Player 1 30 Master Puzzle 31 Book Antiqua 32 0 33 400 34 500 35 1 36 0 37 55 38 700 39 274 40 18 41 0 42 0 50 Quick Help 51 Quit 52 Back 53 Story 54 Menu 55 Menu 56 Pandora's Box 101 PLAY 102 TUTORIAL 103 GALLERY 104 PUZZLES ONLY 105 OPTIONS 106 LOAD 109 Resume game 110 Play new game 120 This is a test text string 121 Add player name. 130 View 131 Continue 132 Congratulations! 133 Time placeholder 134 Art text for success dialog. 150 IMAGE HOLE 151 FOCUS POINT 152 ROTASCOPE 153 OVERLAP 154 OUTER LAYER 156 JESSE'S STRIPS 158 SLICES 159 LENS BENDER 160 INTERLOCK 161 FIND AND FILL 166 PUZZLES ONLY 167 PUZZLE TYPE 168 VERSION 169 Play 204 Free Puzzles 205 Hints 206 Puzzles solved. 208 Solved and unsolved puzzles in this city. 210 You found the piece in this city. 250 OK 255 Continue 256 Stay 303 Pause 304 Restart 306 Free 307 Hint 309 Continue 430 Maui 431 Puck 432 Eris 433 Coyote 434 Monkey 435 Anansi 436 Raven 440 Tutorial mode 441 Level 1 - Capture Maui 442 Level 2 - Capture Puck 443 Level 3 - Capture Eris 444 Level 4 - Capture Coyote 445 Level 5 - Capture Monkey 446 Level 6 - Capture Anansi 447 Level 7 - Capture Raven 450 Current location 451 Piece not found 452 Piece found 454 WORLD MAP 461 Amsterdam 462 Athens 463 Jerusalem 464 Bangkok 465 Berlin 466 Cairo 467 Delhi 468 Dublin 469 Florence 470 Honolulu 471 Istanbul 472 Kyoto 473 London 474 Lusaka 475 Machu Picchu 476 Madrid 477 Mexico City 478 Milan 479 Moscow 480 Nairobi 481 New York 482 Paris 483 Paris 484 Philadelphia 485 Rio de Janeiro 486 Rome 487 St. Petersburg 488 San Francisco 489 Santa Fe 490 Shanghai 491 Sydney 492 Tahiti 493 Tokyo 494 Vancouver 495 Vienna 497 Tutorial 501 00 502 00 503 00 516 INVENTORY 522 Cairo 523 ITEMS 524 P U Z Z L E S 610 611 Best Times 620 GALLERY 650 IMAGE HOLE 651 FOCUS POINT 652 ROTASCOPE 653 OVERLAP 654 OUTER LAYER 656 JESSE'S STRIPS 658 SLICES 659 LENS BENDER 660 INTERLOCK 661 FIND AND FILL 703 Apply 704 Delete 705 Cancel 706 Load 707 Save 710 Sound 711 Music 712 Timer 713 Labels 714 Animation 715 Intro 716 Credits 717 About 750 LOAD 752 SAVE 754 OPTIONS 800 Exit 801 Buy Now 850 Ok 1000 Are you sure you want to quit? 1001 Do you want to use a Free Puzzle token for this puzzle? 1002 Do you want to use a Hint for this puzzle? 1003 Are you sure you want to leave the current city? Any partially completed puzzles will be reset. 1004 Player version incorrect. Resetting player. 1010 Next city placeholder 1011 You solved all the puzzles in this city! You will be returned to the map to select another city. 1013 Are you sure you want to delete this player? 1014 Backup Player File is corrupt. Resetting player. 1015 This is a type of puzzle you haven't seen yet. Do you want interactive instructions? 1016 Could not delete that saved game. 1017 Could not load that saved game. 1018 Are you sure you want to overwrite that saved game? 1019 Could not save that game. There may not be enough space. Delete unnecessary files from your hard disk, and then try again. 1020 Are you sure you want to delete this saved game? 1021 You need to select a puzzle from the list to play. 1022 This is the intro. 1023 This is the credits. 1024 This is the About box. 1025 Do you want to save your game before exiting? 1026 Player file is corrupt, restoring from last known good version. 1027 Loading... 1028 Congratulations! Now you know how this puzzle works. Click Continue to try the real puzzle. 1029 Congratulations! Now that you know how this puzzle works, try another one. 1030 Do you want to restart the puzzle? 1031 Insert the Pandora's Box CD, and then start Pandora's Box again. 1034 To play Pandora's Box, your color palette must be set to 256 Color or higher. In Windows Control Panel, click Display Properties, and then click the Settings tab. 1035 To earn a bonus, solve this speed puzzle in under %s. If you use a Hint or Free Puzzle token, you will not receive a bonus. 1036 You beat the clock! The location of the hidden object is shown on a puzzle button below. 1037 You beat the clock! You earned three Free Puzzle tokens as a bonus. 1038 You must click Continue before you can exit Pandora's Box. 1039 Microsoft® Pandora's Box © & (p) 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 1040 This program is protected by U.S. and International copyright laws as described in Options/About. 1041 You need three Free Puzzle tokens to do this. Do you want to use them now? 1042 You need three Free Puzzle tokens to do this. You can return to cities on this level to earn more Free Puzzle tokens. 1050 Microsoft® Pandora's Box 1051 Version: 1.0 1052 PID: %s 1053 © & (p) 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 1054 3D models provided by Viewpoint DataLabs International, Inc. 1055 www.viewpoint.com 1056 WARNING: This computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. 1057 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. 1058 Unable to start the game. Make sure Pandora's Box is installed, and then try to start the game again using the Start menu. Click the Start button, point to Programs, Microsoft Games, Pandora's Box, and then click Pandora's Box. Pandora's Box will now exit. 1059 Unable to create DirectDraw surface. Make sure that DirectX is installed, and then try again. 1060 Unable to load language.dll. Make sure that Pandora's Box is installed correctly, or reinstall Pandora's Box, and then start the game again. 1061 Unable to load status.dll. Make sure that Pandora's Box is installed correctly, or reinstall Pandora's Box, and then start the game again. 1062 Unable to load puzzle.dll. Make sure that Pandora's Box is installed correctly, or reinstall Pandora's Box, and then start the game again. 1063 Unable to load name.dll. Make sure that Pandora's Box is installed correctly, or reinstall Pandora's Box, and then start the game again. 1064 Unable to copy saved game file. Delete any unnecessary applications from your hard disk, and then try again. 1065 Unable to create window. Exit open applications, and then restart Pandora's Box. 1066 Unable to create window. Exit open applications, and then restart Pandora's Box. 1067 Unable to create window. Exit open applications, make sure that DirectX is installed, and then restart Pandora's Box. 1068 Unable to create dialog. Exit open applications, and then restart Pandora's Box. 1069 Unable to create puzzle. Exit open applications, and then restart Pandora's Box. If this does not fix the problem, reinstall Pandora's Box. 1070 You may have used an invalid character. Enter a different player name, and then try again. 1071 This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group. 1072 You have solved the trial version. You can return to any city to solve other puzzles or you may quit Pandora's Box. 1200 OK 1201 Yes 1202 No 1203 Cancel 1204 Map 1205 Stay 1206 Capture 1221 Maui's Challenge 1222 Puck's Challenge 1223 Eris' Challenge 1224 Coyote's Challenge 1225 Monkey's Challenge 1226 Anansi's Challenge 1227 Raven's Challenge 1500 Maui 1501 Puck 1502 Eris 1503 Coyote 1504 Monkey 1505 Anansi 1506 Raven 1851 Click the center piece to begin Maui's Challenge. 1852 Click the center piece to begin Puck's Challenge. 1853 Click the center piece to begin Eris' Challenge. 1854 Click the center piece to begin Coyote's Challenge. 1855 Click the center piece to begin Monkey's Challenge. 1856 Click the center piece to begin Anansi's Challenge. 1857 Click the center piece to begin Raven's Challenge. 1911 %BYour first mission is to capture Maui, the trickster hero of Hawaii.%B This is the story of how Maui played a trick and pulled the Hawaiian Islands from the sea. Maui was a skilled shapechanger, but when he was a boy, his four older brothers left him behind every time they went fishing. "You're always playing tricks, and you never catch any fish," they told him. One day, however, Maui had a plan. %BFind the piece of the box with the boat.%B 1912 Maui became a seagull and flew after his brothers' boat. When his brothers saw the seagull, they rowed toward it. Soon one brother felt a tug on his line, and pulled in a big fish. The seagull swooped down and ate the fish, then changed back into Maui. "I found a fish for you!" he said. "And then you ate it!" said one brother. "We're never taking you fishing again!" %BFind the piece with the seagull.%B 1913 Maui apologized for his trick. "I made you a magic fish hook," he said. "Take me tomorrow. We'll catch the biggest fish you ever saw!" The next day the water was calm, with no fish in sight. Just as they turned to go back home, the ocean darkened, and huge waves came up. "It's my giant fish!" cried Maui, and he lowered his magic hook into the water. %BFind the piece with Maui's magic hook.%B 1914 The hook was seized, and something dragged the little fishing boat like a toy across the ocean. They looked down and saw the great fish Mauna Kai beneath them. "I told you we'd catch a big fish!" Maui told his brothers. "If you can catch it," his brothers told him, "You can come fishing with us every day from now on." "Row!" Maui commanded them. "And whatever you do, don't stop!" %BFind the piece with the great fish Mauna Kai.%B 1915 The giant fish pulled the little boat farther and farther from shore. Maui's brothers rowed all day and all night without bringing the fish to land. Mauna Kai was above water now, his fins as big as mountains. "We have to stop!" Maui's brothers cried, and put down their oars. Mauna Kai's back hardened into dry land and that is how Maui made the islands of Hawai'i. %BFind Maui.%B 1921 %BPuck played his pranks in the countryside of Britain and Ireland. All tricksters love to fool unsuspecting mortals, but as Puck discovered, two tricks are better than one.%B Puck was the loyal companion of Oberon, King of the Fairies. Oberon and his wife, Queen Titania, were quarreling, and their disagreement was upsetting the order of the natural world. Even knowing this, neither would relent. Trouble began to brew... %BFind the piece of the box that shows Oberon.%B 1922 Oberon asked Puck to help him play a trick on his wife. Puck found a flower that had been touched by Cupid's arrow. When the juice of this flower was squeezed onto the eyelids of a sleeping person, that person would fall in love with the next living creature he or she saw. %BFind the piece with the magical flower.%B 1923 Queen Titania went to her forest bower to sleep, sending her fairies to tend to their various tasks. While she slept, Puck returned bearing the magic flower. He gave it to Oberon, who went to the queen's bower and squeezed the juice of the flower over her eyelids. The spell was cast. Now to await the results... %BFind the piece that shows Titania.%B 1924 While Titania slept, a group of actors rehearsed a play nearby. Puck decided to watch, and perhaps play a trick on them. When one actor, Nick Bottom, wandered off from the others, Puck saw his chance for another bit of mischief, and changed Bottom's head into that of an ass. The other actors ran away in terror. When Titania awoke, the first creature she saw was the transformed Bottom, and she fell immediately in love! %BFind the piece that shows Nick Bottom.%B 1925 Titania took Bottom back to her forest bower and introduced him to her fairy attendants. She ordered them to wait on him, amuse him, and bring him fruit and honey to eat, all the while declaring her love for him. Both Titania and Bottom had fallen victim to Puck's trickery -- the joke had turned out even better than he imagined! %BFind Puck.%B 1931 %BEven on Mount Olympus, life wasn't always perfect. But one prankish goddess found a way to get even with her enemies by giving them a gift! %B Eris, twin sister of Ares, god of war, was the mistress of mayhem, the queen of quarrels. Wherever she went, disagreements, arguments, brawls, and wars seemed to follow. One day the gods gave a party, and Eris found out she wasn't invited... %BFind the piece that shows the home of the gods.%B 1932 Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite were three powerful goddesses. Each thought herself wiser, more beautiful, and better than the other two. Because of their naturally competitive nature, they were rivals to one another, and Eris was no friend to any of them. Eris was convinced that the three goddesses had influenced Zeus, father of the gods, to exclude her from the coming festivities. %BFind the piece with the three goddesses. %B 1933 Determined to expose her rivals as vain, conceited, and just plain silly, Eris showed up at the party uninvited. She brought a golden apple, and inscribed upon it were these words: "To The Fairest." Seeing Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite standing together, she tossed the apple into their midst. All three goddesses grabbed the apple, and none of them would let the others have it. %BFind the piece with the Golden Apple of Discord. %B 1934 Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite held onto Eris' golden apple for dear life. If one let go, she'd be admitting that she wasn't the fairest! Even after most of the other gods had gone home, they were still fighting. Finally they asked Zeus to settle the argument. Zeus would have liked to put an end to their quarrel, but he knew better than to get into the middle of a dispute among three goddesses! %BFind the piece showing Zeus, father of the gods. %B 1935 Eris was delighted. Her trick had worked out perfectly. All the gods on Olympus had seen Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite behaving like spoiled children. Zeus had refused to settle the matter, and none of the other gods were inclined to try, either. The three stubborn goddesses wrestled for possession of the Golden Apple of Discord for twenty years! %BFind Eris. %B 1941 %B Coyote was a trickster from the American southwest who never liked to get anything honestly that he could get by trickery. %B Coyote was out hunting one day without much luck. All the animals he tried to catch were too smart or too cautious, so Coyote was tired and hungry as he walked towards his burrow. He saw some geese swimming on a lake, and thought how delicious a roast goose would taste, and how fat and foolish these particular geese appeared. Maybe he would have his dinner after all. %BFind the piece with the swimming goose. %B 1942 Coyote filled a big sack with dry leaves and walked along the lake until the geese noticed him. "What have you got in that bag, Coyote?" the geese asked him. "Songs," Coyote told them. "Why do you have a whole bag full of songs?" the geese asked. "Because I am strong, and have strong visions," he said. "I'll bet you wish you could dance to my songs." %BFind the piece with Coyote's sack of songs. %B 1943 The geese wanted to dance to Coyote's songs. "No," Coyote said, "these songs are full of powerful magic, and you silly geese wouldn't know the right way to dance to them. " "Oh, please!" the geese pleaded. "Teach us how to dance the right way!" Finally Coyote agreed. "First," he said, "you have to close your eyes." So the geese closed their eyes and danced as Coyote sang. %BFind the piece with the dancing goose. %B 1944 The geese danced. Coyote grabbed one and threw it into his sack. "Stop!" he shouted. The geese opened their eyes. Coyote pointed to the spot where the missing goose had been. "He opened his eyes and now he's gone -- disappeared! The rest of you be sure to keep your eyes closed." The next time Coyote snatched a goose, it squawked loudly. "That's good," Coyote shouted, "Sing really loud!" %BFind the piece that shows Coyote grabbing a goose. %B 1945 The geese kept dancing and Coyote kept stuffing them into his sack. Then one goose who was a little less foolish than the rest opened one eye and saw what Coyote was doing. "Fly!" he honked. "Fly! Coyote has tricked us!" The geese flew away, and Coyote flung the sack over his back and went back to his burrow. He had all the goose he could eat for dinner, and a really good laugh. %BFind Coyote. %B 1951 %BIf there's one thing Monkey didn't like, it was following rules. This story tells how he broke the rules, but saved the monkeys. %B Long ago, the Jade Emperor placed a magic rock on top of the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit. Inside the rock was Monkey. The Jade Emperor told him to protect and defend all the other monkeys. The rock cracked open like an egg. Monkey emerged into the world and began his journey down the mountain. %BFind the piece that shows the magic rock. %B 1952 Monkey saw a group of monkeys near a roaring waterfall. "There's something wonderful on the other side, but we're afraid to go through," they told him. "I could go through," said Monkey. "If you do," they said, "you'll be our king." Monkey took a deep breath, then leaped through the waterfall and into a beautiful cave. From that time on, he was king of all the monkeys on earth. %BFind the waterfall piece. %B 1953 Monkey was a good king, and took good care of his subjects. One day he saw that a monkey was missing. When he asked about her, someone said, "She's dead, Your Majesty." Monkey knew nothing about death, so his subjects explained it to him. "There must be some mistake," he said. "I will go down to the underworld myself, and have a talk with the Lord of Death." %BFind the piece with the entrance to the underworld. %B 1954 Monkey journeyed to the throne room of the Lord of Death. "I am king of the monkeys," he said, "and I want all monkeys to live forever." "It's the natural order of things," said the Lord of Death. "Monkeys must die like everyone else." "You know best, O wise and powerful one," said Monkey, bowing deeply. But of course he had other ideas all along. %BFind the piece that shows the Lord of Death. %B 1955 Monkey wandered through the underworld until he found a tall pedestal, and on it was the Book of Life and Death, which contained the names of all living beings. He clambered up the pedestal and erased the names of every monkey from the book. It was a long time before the Lord of Death found out how he had been fooled by the clever Monkey. %BFind Monkey. %B 1961 %BAnansi the Spider was an African trickster who often found himself the victim of his own tricks. %B Anansi loved to eat, but he didn't like sharing his food. One day, just as he put a big pot of yams on the fire to cook, Anansi looked out of the window and saw Turtle walking slowly up the road toward the house. In Africa you can never turn a traveler away without sharing your food, so Anansi was not happy to see Turtle. %BFind the piece with the pot of yams.%B 1962 "Come in, come in!" said Anansi. "Have some of my yams!" Turtle sat down at the table. "You can't eat without washing your hands," Anansi said. "Go down to the creek and wash up." Turtle walked slowly down the hill to the creek. He washed his hands and walked slowly back up the hill. But when he got there, Anansi had eaten all the yams except one scrawny one he didn't want anyway. %BFind the Turtle piece. %B 1963 "Thank you for supper, Anansi," said Turtle when he was through eating. He was still hungry, but he was far too polite to say so. "Why don't you come over to my house for supper tomorrow?" "I'd love to," said Anansi, thinking of all Turtle's lovely food. "I'll be there at sundown." The next evening Anansi dressed up in his best coat and walked down the road to Turtle's house. %BFind the piece with Turtle's house. %B 1964 "I'm down here," called Turtle from the bottom of a pond, "and supper is ready!" Anansi tried to get to the bottom of the pond, but he was too light. "Come on down, Anansi!" Turtle called again. Anansi had to get to that food! He filled the pockets of his coat with rocks, and sank down to join Turtle at the most wonderful-looking dinner he had ever seen. %BFind the piece with Turtle's feast. %B 1965 Anansi knew he could eat every bite of that dinner, though he supposed he ought to leave a few bites for Turtle. He began to fill up his dish with food. "You can't eat with your coat on!" said Turtle. But as soon as Anansi took off his coat he bobbed up to the top of the pond. Realizing he had been tricked by Turtle, Anansi trudged home again, as hungry as when he had come. %BFind Anansi. %B 1971 %BSometimes (though not often) Raven played a trick in order to do something helpful. %B Long ago on the northwest coast of North America, the first people lived in darkness, and Raven felt sorry for them. He knew that the Sky Chief owned the sun, but kept it hidden away in a bentwood box, so Raven flew high above the world of mortals to find the Sky Chief's longhouse. %BFind the piece that shows the Sky Chief's longhouse. %B 1972 Raven saw the Sky Chief's daughter getting a drink from a stream. Quicker than lightning, he changed himself into a pine needle, which fell into the water and drifted downstream. The sky chief's daughter dipped her drinking basket into the water, scooped up the pine needle, and drank it down. %BFind the piece with the drinking basket and the pine needle. %B 1973 The Sky Chief's daughter didn't know that she'd been tricked by Raven, but many months later, she gave birth to a beautiful baby boy who was actually Raven in disguise. As soon as he could crawl around the floor of their longhouse, the baby began looking for the place where the old man was keeping the golden ball that was the sun. %BFind the piece with the Sky Chief's grandson.%B 1974 One day the baby boy found a beautiful bentwood box that seemed to glow from within. Raven knew this was where the Sky Chief was hiding the sun, but he couldn't open it with his baby hands. He sat by the box and cried and cried until his grandfather picked him up. Then he cried some more until his grandfather opened up the box and took out the golden ball. %BFind the bentwood box piece. %B 1975 The Sky Chief gave his grandson the golden ball to play with. But no sooner had he done so than the baby boy turned back into Raven and flew up through the smoke-hole of the longhouse and into the sky, carrying the golden ball of the sun in his beak. In this way, Raven brought light to the first people. %BFind Raven. %B 2000 Image Hole 2001 Play Image Hole 2002 You received 3 strikes. The puzzle will restart. Next time, try not to click a hole until it's over the right part of the image underneath. 2003 You solved this Image Hole puzzle! 2005 Edit Mode - Game Stopped 2006 You finished the level. The level will now restart 2007 *** Image Hole EDITOR *** 2008 You solved the puzzle! Here comes the next level. 2009 File not found: 2010 Error 2011 File already exists! Do you want to overwrite it? 2012 Warning 2013 Loading new Image Hole puzzle 2014 Dummy 2015 Im_Sel.wav 2016 Im_Right.wav 2017 Im_X.wav 2018 Im_Fail.wav 2019 Im_Move.wav 2021 Image Hole 2050 Strike counter 2051 Strike counter 2052 Click the hole you want help with, or click the Hint button again to cancel. 2053 Click a moving hole to select it. 2054 Click anywhere on the background to move the hole where you want it to go. You can make holes move faster or slower using the Speed buttons on the right. 2055 Match the shape of the hole to the correct part of the image underneath. Click the selected hole again to lock it down. 2056 Lock down the rest of the holes to solve the puzzle. Holes may be bigger or smaller than the shape they represent. Tip: Save the big pieces for last to see more of the hidden image. 2057 If you try to lock a piece in the wrong place you receive a strike. To move a hole in any direction, click the background where you want it to go. 2600 Slow 2601 Medium 2602 Fast 3000 Focus Point 3001 Play Focus Point 3201 Animate 3202 Grid 3303 Focus Point 3304 You solved this Focus Point puzzle! 3305 The piece is already in the correct location. 3306 The piece is already placed. 3307 Paused 3313 Click two pieces to make them trade places and sizes. 3314 Tip: Try to place the biggest pieces first. 3315 Click the buttons on the right to turn the grid or animation on/off. 3316 Continue to compose the picture by trading pieces. 3317 Use a Hint. 3318 Click the piece you want help with, or click the Hint button again to cancel. 4000 Rotascope 4001 Play Rotascope 4151 Animate 4152 Grid 4305 Rotascope 4306 You solved this Rotascope puzzle! 4307 Paused 4308 To move a piece that is next to the open space, click the piece. First, click the piece on the left (the faces). Tip: It often helps to complete the outer ring first. 4309 You can move pieces between rings. Try clicking the small piece to the right of the open space. 4310 You can also move the center piece. Try clicking it now. 4311 Now complete the puzzle. 4312 Use a Hint. 4313 Click the piece you want help with, or click the Hint button again to cancel. 4314 The piece is already placed. 4315 The piece is already in the correct location. 5000 Overlap 5001 Play Overlap 5401 Rotate 5409 Overlap 5410 You solved this Overlap puzzle! 5413 Paused 5414 Click the piece on the left and drag it to the correct place on the image. 5415 Some pieces contain part of the background. This is a hint to their location. 5416 Some pieces overlap part of the picture. 5417 Some pieces need to be rotated. Right-click to rotate a piece. 5418 You can move pieces to other stacks on the left to organize them. 5419 Continue to replace all the pieces to solve the puzzle. 5421 Click the piece you want help with, or click the Hint button again to cancel. 6000 Outer Layer 6001 Play Outer Layer 6204 Loading level... 6205 Congratulations! Do you want to see the object again? 6206 Click the piece you want help with, or click the Hint button again to cancel. 6207 Are you sure you want to restart the puzzle? 6208 Click the direction arrows on the table to change your point of view. Click the blue (N) arrow last. 6209 Click a piece on the left, and then drag it over the egg and place it where you think it fits. Tip: Try the piece from the top stack (with the horse's head). 6210 Right-click to rotate a selected piece. Tip: Rotate and place the piece on the top stack. 6211 You can move pieces to different stacks. Tip: Spread the pieces over the stacks so you can see them. 6212 Finish the puzzle by placing the remaining pieces. Tip: Click the green (W) direction arrow for a new point of view. 6601 Next piece 6602 Previous piece 6666 Rotate 6667 Go left 6668 Go right 7100 Flip 7101 Rotate 7102 Rotate 7910 Click the piece you want help with, or click the Hint button again to cancel. 8000 Jesse's Strips 8001 Play Jesse's Strips 8002 ERROR 8003 File not found. 8004 You are about to overwrite an existing file. 8005 Warning 8006 Click the piece you want help with, or click the Hint button again to cancel. 8007 Click the numbered tabs to see pieces on different trays. Then return to tray 5. 8008 Click the piece to select it, and then drag it to the spot where it fits. Tip: It goes somewhere on the right edge. 8009 Now press 4 on the keyboard to go to tray 4. 8010 You can rotate pieces. Select the piece, right-click to rotate it, and then move it to the right spot. Tip: It fits in the empty area closest to the top. 8011 Now press 3 to go to tray 3. 8012 You can move pieces between trays to organize them. Move the piece to tray 2 by dragging it over the tab and holding it there until the new tray appears. Place the piece between the other pieces. 8013 You can select more than one piece. On tray 2, hold down the SHIFT key while clicking each piece. Then drag them to the right spot. 8014 Finally, go to tray 1. 8015 Complete the puzzle by placing the rest of the pieces. Note that a piece can overlap part of the picture. 8990 Grid 8991 Rotate 10000 Slices 10001 Play Slices 10100 Flip 10101 Rotate 10102 Rotate 10103 Animate 10900 Click a piece to select it. Tip: Try the pharaoh's head. 10901 Drag the selected piece to move it. 10902 Drag the selected piece onto another piece to connect them. Both pieces must face the same direction. Tip: Drag the head to the pharaoh's chest. 10903 Select a new piece and right-click to rotate it. Tip: Try the 'torso' on the left. 10904 Select a piece, and then click to flip it. Tip: Flip the piece to the right. 10905 Keep assembling the pieces until the puzzle is solved. 10910 Click the piece you want help with, or click the Hint button again to cancel 11000 Lens Bender 11001 Play Lens Bender 11111 Rotate 11920 Loading level... 11921 Rendering lenses... 11922 Congratulations! 11923 Are you sure you want to restart the puzzle? 11924 Click the piece you want help with, or click the Hint button again to cancel. 11950 Compose the picture in the middle using pieces under the lenses. Click the arrow button on the second lens to attach the piece. 11951 A piece must face the right direction before you can attach it. Move the next piece under each lens until it faces the right way. Then click the arrow button to attach it. Tip: Try the smallest lens. 11952 A piece must have somewhere to connect before it will move to the middle. Try to move the next piece and notice that it won't attach. 11953 Attach the next piece, and then go back to the one that didn't fit. Tip: Try the smallest lens. 11954 Now you can attach the last piece. Make sure it's under the right lens, and then move it to the middle. 12000 Interlock 12001 Play Interlock 12101 Flip 12102 Rotate 12900 Use the seven pieces to fill the outline of the dancer. To move a piece, click it, and then drag it to the right spot. Try the arms first. 12901 To rotate a piece, right-click. Rotate the leg pieces and then place them. 12902 To flip a piece, use the Flip button on the right. Flip the torso pieces, and then place them. 12903 Sometimes you need to both flip and rotate a piece. Flip and rotate the head, and then place it. 12950 Click the piece you want help with, or click the Hint button again to cancel. 12951 The piece is already in its correct location. 13000 Find and Fill 13001 Play Find and Fill 13117 Find and Fill 13118 Congratulations! You solved this Find & Fill puzzle! 13119 You must specify a name for this object. 13120 Missing Name 13121 One or both of the images you specified could not be loaded. 13122 Bad Image or Mask 13123 An outline could not be generated for the mask you specified. 13124 Bad Outline 13125 Paused 13126 Click any area to fill it with the selected color. 13127 Right-click to erase an area. 13128 Find a black shape from the image on the left and fill it with a single color. Make sure you don't fill any extra spaces! 13129 You can work on two images at once by using different colors for each. 13130 Continue to find and fill images. Tip: Some images may be rotated or upside-down. 13131 Use a hint. 13132 To use a Hint, click an area to reveal an outline. Or click the Hint button again to cancel. 13133 Scroll up 13134 Scroll down